Thermodynamics of atmospheric processes

Mic Galvin
2 min readNov 7, 2022

IPCC’s term being developed radiative forcing or back radiation can be refuted with thermodynamics of atmospheric processes and arguably isn’t even measurable due to thermals and mixing as well as interactions between the troposphere and stratosphere.

  1. The first law of thermodynamics conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed only transferred from one object to another.

2. The second law of thermodynamics heat transfer is ‘irreversible’ from hotter object to cooler object. Warmed air mass is buoyant.

3. There are four modes of heat transfer, namely, radiation, conduction, convection, and latent heat of vaporisation and condensation. The solar radiation heats surfaces in the first instance warming air mass near surfaces via conduction which is removed from convection.

4. For dry surfaces there is sensible heat flux, as warmed air mass is less dense it rises removing heat. For moist surfaces there is latent heat of vaporisation and condensation. Water vapour is light and rises removing latent heat which is released to space on condensation and precipitation.

5. Due to convection there is dry adiabatic and wet adiabatic lapse rates as air mass gets cooler with altitude.

6. Temperature is generally proportional to pressure given by the ideal gas law PV=nRT. Climate is weather over time which is dictated by pressure systems not atmospheric composition of a trace gas.

7. Water vapour only increases the heat index not air temperature and generally precipitates around a wet bulb temperature of 35C.

8. Water has a high specific heat capacity and air a low specific heat capacity. It would take 1kg of air 4C warmer than water to heat one litre of water by 1C. The oceans albedo is only 6% of incoming solar radiation is reflected of which CO2 only absorbs a tiny fraction.

9. Heatwaves and drought are from high pressure systems characteristic of dry weather and clear skies, as well as foehn winds downhills not the greenhouse effect measured by water vapour content. High pressure reduces relative humidity preventing clouds and allowing much insolation to reach the surfaces.

10. Sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, lapse rates, low pressure, convection, clouds and rainfall are all cooling processes.

At solar noon when the Sun is highest and the weak reflected IR ‘up going’ thermal radiation is highest (of which CO2 at 0.04% absorbs a tiny fraction), how does the cooler air further heat the already hotter surface more than the powerful and penetrating solar radiation already has?



Mic Galvin

Background in environmental engineering, post grad science, conservation and land management, and sustainable living